(Reuters) – Oracle on Tuesday introduced a new collection of artificial intelligence agents to assist salespeople with a variety of customer-facing duties.
Oracle’s agents, unlike the broad virtual assistants employed by customers, are intended to accomplish specialized tasks. Each time a salesperson interacts with a customer, they must update corporate records on the status of the transaction, which the agents can handle in writing.
However, certain tasks are more challenging. One “customer intelligence” agent can extract information from across Oracle’s business software categories and generate a report for sales teams going into deal discussions, even if the records are in multiple languages.
For example, the system may notify a U.S.-based sales team that a repeat client has not been getting shipments on schedule in a foreign nation, which may be useful in giving concessions to renew the contract.
“Our customers are frequently unfamiliar brands that operate in a certain industry. They transport rocks and manufacture machines. In an interview, Oracle’s senior vice president, Rob Pinkerton, stated that they are generally worldwide. “To have that assistance to pull (data) all together in all the languages a seller has to care about is pretty useful.”
Oracle said the improvements will be accessible starting Tuesday. The corporation does not charge more for the new agents.