LAHORE: PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has proposed that Prime Minister Imran Khan quit before the combined Opposition files a no-confidence resolution against the present government.
The comment was made during Bilawal’s media engagement at Afzal Nadeem Chan’s house in Lahore. Meanwhile, Chan declared his departure from the PTI and his affiliation with the PPP today. The PPP leader stopped by Chan’s house on his route to Islamabad, where he led the lengthy march.
He stated that the current administration faces the most significant test in the shape of a no-trust motion.
“We defeated the government previously in the Senate and the National Assembly, and we will do it again in the future,” Bilawal stated, alluding to the recent Senate elections.
He challenged Prime Minister Imran Khan to dissolve the legislature, “something he has often threatened to do,” if he believes the people will elect him again.
“Even if he does not resign and the assembly is not dissolved, the opposition is well prepared. We will introduce a no-trust resolution and fight this democratic struggle in Parliament, and we will win “According to Bilawal.
The incumbent government is under attack.
According to Bilawal, the manner the Opposition parties have banded together to challenge the existing administration has put the government under strain.
“The administration has never been under as much scrutiny as it is today.”
He went on to say that he has been listening to PM Khan’s comments for the past three years and has noticed that he [PM Imran Khan] is addicted to taking U-turns, whereas the PPP is not.
We have always maintained a consistent approach, he noted.
“From the beginning, the PPP’s approach has been to oppose him [PM Imran Khan] on two fronts, that is, the people and the parliament,” Bilawal said, adding that the PTI-led government’s majority was not an organic majority.
He said that the country has been subjected to an inorganic majority.
When questioned about the failed no-confidence vote against former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, Bilawal stated that the primary distinction between it and the one they are attempting to introduce is that the former was an undemocratic effort.
Afzal Nadeem Chan has rejoined PPP.
Earlier, Nadeem Chan hosted Bilawal and the PPP leadership at his home to celebrate his decision to rejoin the party.
“I am a political worker who began my career as a politician through my association with the PPP,” Chan explained.

He recognised that there came a time when he had to withdraw from PPP, but that it was the wrong option.
“However, I returned to my house and I am quite pleased,” he continued.
At this point, Bilawal welcomed Chan back into the party, saying it was wonderful news for the PPP.
He invited everybody who has ever supported the PPP, whether under Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, or in any other age, to re-join the party.