Pakistan and India debate water-related issues at the PIC’s 117th meeting.

Pakistan and India discussed a wide variety of water-related issues during the 117th meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission (PIC), which was held in Islamabad on March 1-3, 2022.

As stated by the relevant conditions of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) 1960, the conference rotates between Pakistan and India each year.

India’s Commissioner for Indus Waters, P. K. Saxena, headed a ten-member Indian delegation, while Pakistan’s Commissioner for Indus Waters, Syed Muhammad Mehar Ali Shah, led the Pakistani delegation.

Pakistan’s worries about the Kiru Hydroelectric Project (HEP) located upstream on the Chenab River, as well as India’s new run-of-the-river smaller HEPs on Western rivers, were reaffirmed.